Transforming Telecom DataOps: Enhancing Stability, Performance, and Governance for a Telecom Giant

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The client is a multinational telecom company headquartered in Norway, providing mobile and fixed-line telecommunication services to over 180 million customers across 9 countries in Europe and Asia. 


The client had various data operation issues, such as an unstable data platform, inefficiencies in data pipelines & ETL jobs, poor data quality, and a lack of standardized processes and governance. These issues affected data availability and business user satisfaction. That led to an urgency for the client to improve its data platform stability and reliability, as well as its data operation processes and governance.


Visionet conducted an assessment to identify the challenges and established a dedicated DataOps team to work closely with the client to address them. The solution included stabilizing the data platform to reduce outages, improving ETL performance, defining and implementing formal processes for better service management, and implementing data observability. 


  • 90%  Improved Platform Stability
  • 1.5 Hours Faster End-User Reporting
  • 15 to 8 Days  Reduced Ticket Ageing
  • 99.9%  Improved Cloudera Cluster Availability

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