From Inaccurate Forecasting to Profitable Supply Chain: The Impact of Visionet's Next-Gen AI Solution on a Home Goods Store Chain

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A leading home goods store chain was facing reduced ROI of excess inventory as a result of inaccurate forecasting. This was leading to inefficiencies in their supply chain and decreased profitability. After they chose Visionet’s next-gen AI Forecasting Solution, the dollars, previously buried in the excess inventory, are now utilized in avenues of optimal return. 


Our client was facing several problems related to inventory and forecasting. The main issues identified were, excess inventory, Issues with right-sizing inventory, inaccurate forecasts, all leading to inefficiencies in their supply chain and decreased profitability which made the client look for a futuristic forecasting solution. 


This solution helped them analyze historical and real-time data, predict demand, set optimal stock levels, and identify slow-moving items. As a result, they were able to improve inventory turnover, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. The implementation of the platform also resulted in a reduction of inventory carrying costs by $100M and an improvement in forecast generation with 87-94% accuracy. With this technology, they were able to turn the tide, achieve greater business agility, and thrive in the retail market.

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