Revolutionizing Drug Efficacy Measurement: A Case Study of Visionet's Intelligent Sensor Data Platform

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A leading pharmaceutical company faced challenges in streamlining data from multiple sensor devices provided by different manufacturers to measure drug efficacy. Visionet proposed an intelligent sensor data platform that standardized analytical schema, provided an ingestion layer for variety of sensors and an AI framework.  


The pharmaceutical company needed to harmonize and join data from multiple sensors to get a bigger picture and measure the impact of a drug on various physical activities.


Visionet proposed building a platform that provided a standardized analytical schema, ingestion layer for variety of sensors, and AI framework. This platform enabled the company to measure drug efficacy on different physical activities, and helped biostatisticians evaluate significant variations between the control and placebo group. This platform helped to measure the impact of a drug on walking speed, detect asymmetry of weight bearing, finger tapping speed, and regularity decay.


The platform enabled the company to take smarter decisions around drug efficacy, impacted drug innovation, opened new analytical horizons, and accelerated go-to-market of new drugs. Additionally, Visionet's platform set a breakthrough, allowing any current and future sensors to use its set templates to convert raw sensor data into complex physiological outcomes and measurements.

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