How BPO and Staffing Can Help you Manage Unplanned Business Outages

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To ensure smooth, disruption-free operations, businesses must satisfy many requirements, including the personal health and safety of their workforce, electricity for their employees to use, and tools for consistent, reliable internal and external communication. If any of these most fundamental prerequisites is upset in some way, it could result in downtime for one or more of your organization’s offices.
It’s normal for businesses of any size to experience momentary operational disruptions. In case of a power outage, you might have to wait until your office’s backup generator gets going. However, in some rare cases like the Northeast blackout of 2003, the current health crisis, or the recent wildfires in Australia, you might have to suspend business operations for days.
To ensure business continuity, many organizations turn to geographically dispersed business process outsourcing (BPO) providers that can perform important business functions from unaffected regions. Customer care, technical support, and other important services can continue, even if your offices need to close. Similarly, you can avoid missing deadlines by hiring a “cloud team” of experienced technology professionals who work remotely on your application development and other digital projects.


A remote contact center can continue to provide a consistently positive brand experience when business functions in your home region might need to be partially or completely suspended for some time. From document transcription to finance and accounting, there are dozens of processes that BPO can keep working on remotely.
For example, if your retail stores need to remain closed for a week, you could use outbound contact center services to respond to customers’ questions, maintain your brand recognition, or promote your online store via phone, SMS, or email. B2B organizations can hire telesales teams to identify and qualify leads.
Your business will continue to benefit from outsourcing various process even after normal operations resume. You can use the extra bandwidth to take on more business and improve your topline revenue. You could also use outsourcing for unexpected spikes in customer calls, orders, or other actionable items. Instead of forcing your regular staff to cope with a larger workload at the expense of service quality, your outsourcing provider could take up the extra work.

Cloud Team

Imagine you’re a medium-sized technology firm with a diverse range of expertise. You have a team of data scientists in Dallas that works with your frontend developers in San Francisco on developing machine learning software. One day, an earthquake damages the fiber links to the San Francisco team’s primary and backup Internet providers! You find out that Internet service won’t be up for a week. What can you do to ensure your data scientists can continue to work on this important project?
A cloud team of technical experts and remote developers can help manage your IT and software development workloads when resources with the right skill set aren’t available locally. Your staffing partner can help you pick someone with the right mix of training and experience for short or longer-term projects. You don’t have to worry about relocation costs or many of the other complexities of traditional recruitment, either.

Pakistan: Still open for business

The government of Pakistan has exempted workers in BPO and staffing from the nationwide lockdown to improve the country’s economic situation. Employers have taken comprehensive preventive measures to ensure the health and safety of their employees as they continue to provide contact center and staffing services, including improved sanitizing procedures, regular health checks, and closely monitoring the regional and global situation.
Visionet’s BPO and cloud team Centers of Excellence in Pakistan have helped our clients ensure business continuity; they haven’t experienced a single day of downtime since the crisis began. In addition to this high standard of dependability, the World Economic Forum has ranked Pakistan the most affordable business destination for technology. The Pakistan Rupee’s exchange rate offers unbeatable value for money.


Geographically diverse BPO and staffing partners can help your organization ensure interruption-free business operations. They also help you manage unpredictable workloads, increase operational efficiency, and control operational costs.
Whereas many outsourcing providers are also vulnerable to business disruption, Visionet’s BPO Centers of Excellence in Pakistan are actively offering precise, efficient, and measurable outsourcing and staffing capabilities. To discover the right mix of outsourcing and staffing options to make your business more resilient, please contact Visionet.

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