Visionet enhanced security for a global leader in inventory solutions

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The client is a leading advisor and global leader in excess inventory solutions for specialty stores, retailers, and famous brands of apparel, accessories, footwear, and home goods. Client’s inventory and custom solutions encompasses processing services, quality control inspection, label alterations, and other related services.  


The client’s security and analytics and operations faced significant difficulties, especially when dealing with persistent cyber-adversaries. In the fourth quarter of 2023, the client suffered a major ransomware attack, underscoring the pressing need for robust security measures. With limited security tools and personnel at disposal, the client’s IT department was facing challenges with visibility in infrastructure security.  


To tackle these challenges effectively,Visionet came forward with a robust cloud-native solution, protecting the client’s entire infrastructure against ransomware threats. Seamless integration of Azure Sentinel into the Azure Environment, improved security through tailored used cases and alerts. The key network devices and hosts connected to Azure Sentinel streamlined the process of log ingestion for proactive security monitoring. Visionet’s SOC team management ensured that SIEM guaranteed 24/7 monitoring, digital forensics and incident response capabilities in an efficient manner. This partnership yielded benefits for the client in the form of enhanced visibility, streamlined threat response, and accelerated incident response life cycle, bolstering client resilience.  

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