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With innovative technologies disrupting the global IT landscape, cloud computing has become the new normal. Organizations have quickly recognized the numerous benefits of cloud computing, including enhanced agility, greater scalability, improved resource utilization, and cost reduction.
The current global push for digital transformation is encouraging organizations of all sizes to rapidly migrate to the cloud. However, organizations are finding it challenging to do so without a clear migration roadmap, because they refuse to spend on a professional readiness assessment, which they consider an unnecessary added cost. What they fail to realize is that a cloud readiness assessment provides substantial ROI and results in a smoother transition from on-premises IT operations.
Optimize costs by strategically migrating resources
You are charged for cloud resources based on their run time, which is an important cost consideration. A complete assessment of your infrastructure can help you differentiate between resources that need to be kept online 24×7 and those that can be deallocated when they aren’t in use. Once they have been categorized, organizations can easily automate cloud resource startup and shutdown based on their usage.
A readiness assessment saves your organization from bearing the unnecessary cost of replicating underutilized resources on the cloud. By checking each resource’s CPU and memory utilization during the assessment, organizations can effectively provision cloud resources with specifications identical to their on-premises equivalents, only for the resources that they absolutely need to.
A cloud assessment can help organizations identify solutions that need to run on the same specs for longer periods of time. This prevents them from procuring expensive resources at full price and helps them avail discounts that cloud providers offer on reserved instances. Microsoft Azure also allows you to effectively manage the cost of VM instances by promoting a “bring your own license” (BYOL) model for Windows and SQL Server, which significantly reduces cost of running these platforms on the cloud.
Control costs with effective backup retention and storage
A comprehensive assessment enables organizations to make mindful cost considerations that they might not think about if they migrate to the cloud directly without a detailed plan. For example, companies often forget to delete drives associated with recently removed objects, which results in the accumulation of unnecessary costs that could have been avoided with a thorough assessment, which includes scanning for and deleting storage objects that are no longer required.
Clearly defined backup policies, including how long to keep backups and whether to replicate backups across locations or global zones, can also be made by conducting a careful evaluation of your existing infrastructure. This will help you identify ways to reduce cloud storage costs.
Visionet has vast experience in developing successful strategies for enterprises that maximize their cloud capabilities. Our cloud assessment services provide actionable insights and enable you to devise an optimal cloud strategy by evaluating your unique business needs. To discover how to plan and execute your organization’s move to the cloud, please contact Visionet.