E-Zahlungsportal bietet neue Einnahmequelle

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Visionet entwickelte ein skalierbares, leistungsstarkes elektronisches Zahlungsportal, das nahtlos in viele Websites, Onlinebanken und Technologieplattformen integriert werden kann und somit den Geldtransfer und Onlinezahlungen ermöglicht.


Our client is a national microfinance bank with a distribution network of 176 branches and 75,000 agents that aims to reduce poverty by providing microloans and related financial services to underprivileged communities. Due to the growing popularity of m-commerce and e-payments in the consumer market, they approached Visionet to establish a new, sustainable business model and an e-wallet service for customers that offered multiple payment options for online purchases.


Visionet leveraged its expertise in middleware and integration to deliver an electronic payment gateway solution that seamlessly integrated with websites and online banks, enabling users to transfer funds and make payments for online purchases. The solution enabled swift merchant onboarding and smooth integration with numerous technology platforms. Its high-performance infrastructure allowed e-sellers and merchants to receive payment notifications, provide prompt customer service, and receive transaction information via real-time dashboards.

The solution offered high scalability to handle transaction spikes during peak seasons and hours, and ensured compliance and data protection through encryption and consumer security regulations. It supported reporting capabilities with highly granular customer and transaction details that facilitated targeted in-app marketing campaigns.

Visionet also built an easy-to-use mobile app for the client that included features like transaction reversal, which reduced transaction times and offered a more convenient shopping experience. The payment gateway boosted the client’s public image as a catalyst for information and communication technology innovation.

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