Better Than BERT: Novel Deep Learning Models for Natural Language Processing

At the end of 2018, researchers at Google introduced a new groundbreaking Natural Language Processing technique called Bi-directional Encoder Representations from Transformers – or simply – BERT, which became a breakthrough development in the area of NLP. The model and its variations such as RoBERTa or DistilBERT took the Deep Learning community by storm because of its superior performance.

Challenges faced by NLP in the pre-BERT era


Rediscovering Insurance Target Market Segmentation with Artificial Intelligence

The post-COVID era has brought about new challenges in quantification in insurance as companies look towards new approaches and tools to quickly identify emerging patterns in the industry. Shorter time to market for new products, and the timeliness of necessary steps to risk mitigation or prediction will be the key to successful portfolio management.

Reinsurance Risk Mitigation Using Digital Risk Management Solutions

Reinsurers face a high level of risk from multiple market forces, including claims leakage, the arrival of new players, poor management of aging recoverables, and inadequate business intelligence capabilities. Implementing the right digital solution is absolutely crucial for minimizing these risks.