The Impact of AI-Powered Forecasting

The Impact of AI-powered Forecasting

The modern business world is volatile owing to rising competition, technological disruptions, and business model innovations. To mitigate uncertainty and remain competitive, organizations need to make prudent decisions. Forecasting enables keen insight into the future and is necessary for business decisions as diverse as inventory planning, production planning, capital expenditure allocation, workforce planning, etc. The wide-ranging impact and need for it in various domains make forecasting software an essential business asset. 

Cybersecurity Redefined: A Proactive Approach For Modern Businesses

This white paper provides a comprehensive guide to implementing a proactive approach to cybersecurity. With insights into the latest cybersecurity trends, threats, and best practices for protecting your business and customers, it is a must-read for any business owner or IT professional concerned about cybersecurity.

Through this white paper, you will:

Unifying Customer Data From Disparate Sources Into A Single Source Of Truth

Digitization is on the continuum of growth. Understanding how the modern economy will unfold is not simple anymore, as it is driven by the customers. Keeping up with their changing preferences is challenging, especially without the right tools and expertise.

Therefore, data is the centerpiece of business success. Considered a goldmine, data tells us about our customers throughout their buying journey. With optimal technologies and support, you can maximize its value and create a single source of truth that provides a unified repository for all your data.

Patterns In Events: Aggregating Customer Journeys

Patterns in Events: Aggregating Customer Journeys

As retail professionals, we understand the significance of data and the complexities of its exponential growth every day.

It is now imperative for retailers to store, organize, integrate, analyze, and activate this rich data to garner actionable insights — to retain existing customers and convert them into loyalists while attracting new customers.

Intelligent Process Automation – Guide to Successful Implementation

Today’s tech-driven world is all about automation. Almost every industry is reaping its benefits in one way or another and making its business more productive and efficient. One form, in particular, is making headlines across the globe and it is known as Intelligent Process Automation (IPA).

According to Gartner, IPA sits at the top of the list of the highest-ranked enterprise software and the spending on it is constantly increasing as well. Organizations are leveraging their efficiencies to enable digital transformation to achieve the desired business objectives.

A Look into the Future of Commerce for B2B Enterprises

The B2B landscape is swiftly changing, and current trends indicate an upward shift in terms of digital adoption. Today’s consumer needs in the B2B domain have evolved which requires businesses to evolve as well. From the nuances of customer preferences to product availability, the future certainly lies in rapid digital adoption for B2B businesses.

In this whitepaper, you’ll explore the current B2B trends:

Leveraging Retail Analytics To Boost Business Growth

Leveraging Retail Analytics to Boost Business Growth

While operating in the retail industry, we all know the rising shift following tech advancements and mass customization. Changes in customer purchase behaviors are inducing omnichannel operations among retailers.

eCommerce domains are also facing complications that are evident in slow growth rates in regular stores and the decline in web engagement and conversion rates.

These concerning factors brought a critical question into light that needs to be addressed:

Gearing Towards The Next Normal

One thing organisations have learnt in the wake of the recent disruptions is that constantly revamping digital prowess is vital for long term business success. Human-machine collaboration is essential to run operations seamlessly. While machines take care of repetitive tasks, humans utilize augmented intelligence technologies like Cognitive RPA to make important decisions.